Living Hope Church, Medicine Hat


Encouraging and Helping boys to grow more Christlike in all areas of life

2 Thursdays per month

Encouraging and Helping boys to grow more Christlike in all areas of life

Luke 2:52 states that "Jesus grew in wisdom and  stature,   and in favor with God and men." The goal of the Calvinist  Cadet Corps, based   upon that verse, is to help boys to grow  spiritually in all areas of life   (devotional, mental, physical, and  social) by providing Christian men with a   uniquely designed structure,  program, and materials so that they can mentor boys   effectively.    

A weeknight program for Grades 3- 8 that includes Bible Study/Worship games and a workshop activity.

Currently meeting 2 Thursdays a month at the Church - See Calendar for exact dates or send us an email for more info.


Medicine Hat Christian Reformed Church

We gather to praise God, listen to him, and respond.
We nurture each other in faith and obedience to Christ.
We love and care for one another as God's people.
We commit ourselves to serve and to tell others about Jesus.
We pursue God's justice and peace in every area of life.